Odgovori na: Dynamic sizing of the House of Citizens

By Ramon Maynou

Domov Forumi 04. Article II – Organization of the Legislative Branch Dynamic sizing of the House of Citizens Odgovori na: Dynamic sizing of the House of Citizens

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EN: I agree with your argument about the population constituency as a way of returning power to the citizens, currently in the hands of the parties. To eliminate the power of the parties and for the population to have more influence, what I call the Virtual Party could be used.
Democracy with a Virtual Party.
Democracy is a political system in which sovereignty resides in the people, who exercise it directly or through representatives. People believe that democracy is when they can vote for a party. This is the current system in most democratic states in the world. In some states a voter census is carried out that informs whether you have the right to vote or not. But in other states (like the United States of America) you must register to vote, which is used to prevent many people from voting.
But democracy should also be when you can be elected without belonging to any party.
And here we will establish a new electoral system. A Virtual Party will be created, the list of candidates for this Virtual Party will be established by lottery among the independent candidates who present themselves as candidates. It is a democracy by lottery (called “demarchy” in ancient Greece).
The Virtual Party will be assigned all the votes of the people in the census who have not gone to vote, plus all the invalid votes and the blank votes, and will obtain the seats that correspond to them according to the system of distribution of seats in force (Method d ´Hont, Sanroma Method, etc.).
The Virtual Party will be able to consult on the internet what the people want (consultative direct democracy) before making its own decisions. The representatives will not be obliged to respect the opinions of the people and, therefore, “they will not violate the rules of the European Parliament, which prohibits its members from being forced to vote in a certain way.”

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