Odpoveď na: Specifying the list of Common European Interests (Article III, Section 2)

By Fabrice Luijten

Domov Diskusné Fóra 05. Article III – Powers of the Legislative Branch Specifying the list of Common European Interests (Article III, Section 2) Odpoveď na: Specifying the list of Common European Interests (Article III, Section 2)

AvatarFabrice Luijten
Účastník (Participant)

I would like to add to the list as proposed by Herbert a broadening of his point 1. d/ : the transport of goods and its infrastructure.

I would suggest that both from an economical perspective as from the practical perspective of a citizen within the EF the infrastructure (roads, highways, airlines, ships, future modes of transport) is relevant not only to goods but also to people. Of course, we could leave this a national affair, but a brief glance at our European railway infrastructure will tell the shortcomings of such an approach. A practical example being the width of railroad tracks differing per country as a serious impediment to facilitate travel by train through Europe. Also considering the fact that domain of environmental protection is considered a federal power, and that different modes of transport seriously can affect or spare the environment. I think a federal mandate regarding this topic is relevant looking at some policy domains: trains vs. short distance planes, the necessary infrastructure to enable the transition to electric cars, the free movement of goods and people within the federation, etc..

So the addition would be something like:

1. d/ the transport of goods and people and its infrastructure

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