References to US system

By Christer Lundquist

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  • #2516
    Christer Lundquist

    Just zum Beispiel, maybe off topic, but this op-ed in the Guardian just cements my opinion that we should avoid any references to the American constitution and implicitly, its mind-boggling descent into total political dysfunction.
    Europe’s constitution should be presented and conveyed to the public as our homegrown, superior modern comcept of federalization, based on European legacy and ideas, and stress that Europe does not copy the US; rather, they used Old World ideas and built the best they could centuries ago. And that system is now failing, terrifyingly enough.

    Link: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/19/america-biden-trump-authoritarinism?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other


    I 100% agree. We have an obligation to learn from the current failings of the US system – that is also what I think the FAEF toolkit points to.

    Perhaps more on topic of the Article IV, we should not copy the 25th amendment to the US constitution verbatim.
    It seems to me that even if we want to copy the rules of presidential succession they could be written a little more elegantly and less verbose, so ordinary people can read the article and draw a simple flowchart for what happens when the President dies or is incapable of fulfilling the duties.

    Giuseppe Martinico

    I agree and more in general I think that we should look more at multi-national federal systems

    Herbert Tombeur

    I share your point of view: let us study and present the federal system in Canada, India and, to a certain extend, Switzerland.

    Herbert Tombeur

    Bearing in mind that Europe needs a continental ambition to federate, so on a very large scale and that it is very diverse in a linguistic, religious and governmental way.

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