Democratic warrants after federal elections

By Herbert Tombeur

Acasă Forumuri 04. Article II – Organization of the Legislative Branch Democratic warrants after federal elections

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  • #2371
    Herbert Tombeur

    My last observation concerning Article II is the following. Section 2, 3° (Citizens House) and Section 3, 3° (Senate) should be reconsidered at the end of this Constitution discussion, if not just after the discussion concerning the federal policy powers. To guarantee the responsibility of the parliament members towards the voters involved during their mandate, I propose to add to these paragraphs stipulations which should oblige the House Members to consult periodically their voters, each meeting finalised by a public and written report, whether the voters are the State Parliamentarians, for the Senate, or some Citizens, for instance appointed by voting Citizens in specific ‘citizens feedback panels’. Attention: the reports do not content any imperative instruction nor any sanction towards the federal parliamentarians. This procedure could be a manner to safeguard the public feature of democracy and the personal mandate of each federal parliament member, cf. the pressure by political party leaders, having a kind of direct democratic control through the entire parliament term in the European Federation. I look forward to read other proposals about this topic later.

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