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Resposta a: alterações ao artigo 1. 1 (proposta por Giuseppe Martinico e Cristina Fasone)

Por Giuseppe Martinico

Início Fóruns 03. Artigo I - A Federação e a Declaração de Direitos alterações ao artigo. 1 (proposta por Giuseppe Martinico e Cristina Fasone) Resposta a: alterações ao artigo 1. 1 (proposta por Giuseppe Martinico e Cristina Fasone)

Giuseppe Martinico

Actually, the principle of competence( “Within the powers not entrusted”) characterizes any federal polity since federalism is also a technique of vertical separation of power. This does not alter anything in this respect. If you don’t clarify this, the combination self rule/shared rule (the heart of federalism) could be jeopardized. Indeed, we also proposed an amendment to Art. III to coordinate this provision with the other relevant passage. This formula recalls the wording of constitutional norms already existing in federal systems and promotes participation which is crucial to galvanising the role of citizens.

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