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Reply To: Amendments to Art. 2 (proposed by Cristina Fasone and Giuseppe Martinico)

Przez Herbert Tombeur

Strona główna Forums 04. Article II – Organization of the Legislative Branch Amendments to Art. 2 (proposed by Cristina Fasone and Giuseppe Martinico) Reply To: Amendments to Art. 2 (proposed by Cristina Fasone and Giuseppe Martinico)

AvatarHerbert Tombeur

My first observations concerning your well formulated proposals above:

1° Section 2, par. 1: As already mentioned earlier today (cf. the size of the Houses), I propose a maximum of 300 members for each House, preferably less for the the House of States. Both Houses should function as good as possible.
2° Section 2, par. 2: I propose a minimum age of 25 to vote – men’s brain (cf. brain researchers, like famous Dutch dr. Dick Swaab) and live experience are then quite mature, physically and mentally. Not earlier for the majority of people.
3° Section 2, par. 3: I propose this alternative text “The members of the House of the Citizens have a strict personal mandate, in the general interest of the Federation. This mandate is incompatible with any other public function.” The same goes for the House of the States.
4° Section 3, par. 1: I do not agree with you. I do emphasise that the equal number of members for each Member State is the expression of the equality in sovereignty between all States, whether they are big or small in territory or population, economical week or strong. The Citizens House is the expression, the tool of the federal sovereignty. About the renewing of half the Senate every 3 years, I would propose do abolish this system and to use the same term as that of the Citizens House, certainly of the Senate members are elected by the members of each State parlement, which I prefer above the elections by the State Citizens (cf. your observation on par. 3 of this Section 3, and the same in Section 4).
5° I do support all your other proposals, or, if not, I have no opinion (yet) about these.

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