FAEF’s Citizens’ Convention of 55+ Participants

In presenting this list of the members of FAEF's Citizens' Convention, the following comments are appropriate.

It is a provisional list. The deadline for registration for participation in the Convention ends on 31 October 2021. Another group of people, not having time to participate actively, required to receive updates of the progress of the Convention. They are not listed here. 

The Convention is a response to the EU ‘Conference on the future of Europe’. That Conference has as the explicit goal of strengthening the system of treaties of the European Union. The Federal Alliance of European Federalists does not consider this wise for the future of Europe and argues that after two hundred years of fruitless attempts to federalize Europe, the time has come to replace the treaty-based European Union by the federal United States of Europe, based on a federal constitution. 

Applied science and moral courage are now primary.

The Convention is taking place online and will last from 2 October 2021 to 31 May 2022. Its purpose is to improve our draft federal constitution for the creation of the United States of Europe. We would like to receive concrete amendments and their explanatory notes.

It is appreciated that members of the Convention form pairs to work together on specific articles of our draft federal constitution. Those who would like to get in touch with other members and thus would like to know the relevant email address can ask for it at leo@faef.eu. The Convention’s way of working is further explained in the Discussion Forum.

The Citizens’ Convention is a homage to the original vision of Altiero Spinelli in his Ventotene Manifesto of 1941-1944 to federalize Europe on the basis of a constitution, along the lines of the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 as the best practice. That Convention had 55 members. Hence our number 55. But with a + to enrich the Convention with as much wisdom, knowledge, and courage as possible. The spiritual basis of the Convention is a mixture of applied science and moral responsibility.

I wish the Convention success in its work for a constitutional, democratic, secure, prosperous, and inclusive federal Europe.

Dr. Leo Klinkers, President FAEF, The Hague, October 1st, 2021. 

Albania (non-EU)


Ylber Sela
Professor at the Faculty of Public Administration & Political Science, South East European University, Tetovo. Author of a.o.:
.. ‘The European union as a federal state.’
.. ‘The importance of Euro as a Currency and the Euroization in Macedonia’. 

Belgium (EU)


Herbert Tombeur
Co-author of the European Federalist Papers. Expert on constitutional law and treaty-law.


Georgios Kostakos
Co-founder and Executive Director of the Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability (FOGGS). Worked within the UN, serving as Assistant Secretary of the UN General Assembly's Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. Organised post graduate courses in international affairs and taught Global Governance and International Organisations at the Brussels School of International Studies, and at the University of Kent.

Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles)


Berry Scheperboer
Founder and director of a law firm. Leader of movement to federalize the former Dutch colonies in the Antilles.

Czech Republic (EU)


Jakub Jermar
European federalist.

France (EU)


Marie Ronsmans
ECIT Foundation. European Citizens’ Rights, Involvement and Trust.


Michel Caillouët
Former EU Ambassador. European Federalist.


Yves Gernigon
President European Federalist Party.


Frances Cowell
Author of books on Risk Management and Risk Culture.

Germany (EU)


Alfred Mevissen
President of Art Moves Europe. Actively uniting Europe through Arts.


Benjamin Zeeb
Co-founder of, and author at the Alliance4Europe, as well of the Project for Democratic Union. European federalist.


Heinrich Kümmerle
District Head of UEF-Heilbronn. Author of ‘We Are All Part of Europe!’. Organizer of the Hertensteiner Talks. European federalist.


Ulrike Liebert
Professor of European Studies at the University of Bremen, Germany. Author of forthcoming publications:
.. ‘Europa erneuert! Eine realistische Vision für das 21 Jahrhundert’.
.. Europeanisation and Renationalisation: Lessons from Crises for Innovation and Development’ (co-editor)... Reconciling Democratic Sovereignty with Economic and Monetary Integration: T-dem in Dialogue with the German Constitutional Court’ in: How to Democratize Europe.

Greece (EU)


Yannis Karamitsios
Author of ‘Time for a European Federation’. Founding member of the Alliance4Europe. Legal officer within the European Commission. European federalist.


Christos Bezirtzoglou
Author of several books on EU issues i.a. European integration, Trade Defence Instruments, regional innovation, and the EU selection process. Specialties: Federalism, Information and Communication Technologies, Public sector recruitment processes.

Iceland (Non-EU)


Maximilian Conrad
Professor of Political Science, University of Iceland. Author of a.o.:
.. ‘The European Citizens’ Initiative: Transnational Democracy in the EU at last?’
.. ‘The missing link in EU democracy? Why a transnational public sphere matters’.
.. ‘F-word or Blueprint for Institutional Reform? European Integration and the Continued Relevance of Federalism’.

Ireland (EU)


Ken Sweeney
Director of the European Network Media Vision Company Lmtd.

Italy (EU)


Alessandro Pietrogiacomi
European federalist.


Cristina Fasone
Post-doctoral fellow in law at the European University Institute in Florence and Coordinator of the Summer School in ‘Parliamentary Democracy in Europe’. Author of a.o.:
.. ‘Eurozone, non-Eurozone and ‘troubled asymmetries among national parliaments in the EU. Why and to what extent this is of concern.’
.. ‘Can Fiscal Councils Enhance the Role of National Parliaments in the European Union? A Comparative Analysis.’ School of government, University Sienna.


Egidio Caricati
European federalist.


Fabio Masini
Professor at the University of Rome. Author of a.o.:
.. ‘The ECB: towards a monetary authority of a federal Europe?’
.. ‘National Autonomy, Regional Integration and Global Public Goods’. 


Francesco Sgarlata
Editor of the Europe Today Magazine. European federalist.


Giovanni Bertazzoli
European City Team. European federalist.


Giuseppe Martinico
Professor of Comparative Public Law at the Scuola Superiore Sant’ Anna at Pisa. Co-author of:
.. ‘The Never-Ending Reform of the EU: Another Chain in the Semi Permanent Treaty Revision Process?’
.. ‘The Canadian Contribution to a Comparative Law of Secession.’


Pier Virgilio Dastoli
President of the Italian Movimento Europeo. Former parliamentary assistant of Altiero Spinelli in the Italian Parliament (1976-1979) and in the European Parliament (1976-1986). Principal adviser of the European Commissioner Carlo Ripa di Meana. Principal adviser of the European Commission and member of the Spinelli Group’ steering committee in the European Parliament. Teacher at the Universities of Macerata, Perugia, Bari ,and Rome in the framework of the Jean Monnet Programme. Author of many books and articles on European Affairs. 


Pier Graglia
Author of a biography of Spinelli and on the European Union, Europeanism. International, Legal, Historical and Political Studies, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale.


Salvatore Calleri
President Red Tulips for the United State of Europe. European federalist.

Lithuania (EU)


Vladislav B. Sotiroviç
Professor at the European Humanities University of Vilnius. Author on global politics, on Euro-Balkan Studies and European Union Politics. Author of a.o.:
.. ‘Serbia between Kosovo and the European Union.’

Malta (EU)


Cyrus Engerer
Member of the European Parliament.

Netherlands (EU)


David West
World federalist.


Frans Tonnaer
Emeritus Professor of Law of the Environment.


Edward Figee
World federalist.


Emile van Essen
World Federalist. Sustainable politics.


Fernand Jadoul
Co-author of the European Federalist Papers (Paper 13). Honorary Consul for Luxembourg. 


Frans Vermeulen
World federalist.


Hans van der Vlugt
European Federalist.


Johanna Steijlen
World Federalist.


Ingo Piepers
Former Commander of the Dutch part of the United Nations Rapid Reaction Force to end the war in Bosnia (1992-1995). European Federalist.


Karel Majoor
Former Mayor. European Federalist.


Mozes Marinho Sanches
The Netherlands (central) Bank. Head of ECB Missions. European Federalist.


René Graafsma
Media specialist. European Federalist.


Koen van Bremen
Consultant in Public Administration. Expert on the failed federation of Cameroon.


Fabrice Luijten
Consultant in Public Administration. Being of two-nation origin, identification with Europe is more important than with a nation within Europe. Driven by the sense of urgency that we need to redefine the rules by which we play our game as a society in order to successfully be able to address the challenges of our times.


Max Herold
Senior advisor Dutch government. Author of publications about policymaking.


Ed van den Boogaard
Consultant in the judicial industry and organizational development. Former Director of several Bureaus of the Public Prosecutor.

Norway (Non-EU)


Christer Lundquist
Director Lundquist Forlag. Founder of Mitt Europa, the first movement of pro-European federalists in Norway.

Portugal (EU)


Fernanda Neutel
Professor in Political Science at the University of Lusofona-Lisbon. Head-director of the first-degree course on European Studies and International Relations.
Author of writings about the European Integration, Institutions and Institutional Integration, among which ‘The Role of the European Parliament in the Union’s Crisis’. 

Romania (EU)


Bogdan Rogozianu
European Federalist.


Madalin Blidaru
JEF Romania. European Federalist.


Victor Negrescu
Member of the European Parliament.

Spain (EU)


Amparo Plaza Muñoz
European federalist.


Jorge Juan Morante
President Union of European Federalists (UEF) Spain. Political scientist and author on federalism. European Federalist.


Manuel Galiñanes
President of the Escuela de Formación Humanistica y Social de la Asocatión 'Unidad de Ayuda Ciudadana' (UdAC). European Federalist.


Ramon Maynou Ferreres


Victor Manuel Sanroma Latorre
European federalist.


Florina Poenaru
Fighter for the Europe of the Citizens. Has been resident in several EU-countries. Striving for the United States of Europe, based on a federal Constitution. 


Carlos Rosetti Manacorda


Fernando Barredo Valenzuela


José Luis Cuba Valenzuela


Olivia Muños-Rojas Oscarsson
Huffington Post.


Teo Riera

Sweden (EU)


Jacob Öberg
Professor in Law and Deputy Head of the Department for Education at the School of Law, Psychology and Social Work at Örebro University. Also connected with the European University Institute, Florence. Co-editor of:
.. ‘Deconstructing EU Federalism through Competences.’ 


Joel Boehme
Board member of VOLT Europe.


John Eric Fossum
Professor in Political Science at the Arena Center for European Studies of the University of Oslo. Author of a.o.:
.. ‘The Draft Constitutional Treaty: Between Problem-Solving Treaty and Rights-Based Constitution.’
.. ‘The Conference on the Future of Europe: vehicle for reform versus forum for reflection?’
.. ‘The European Constitution: the Rubicon crossed?’ 


Mathias Darmell
European Federalist. Environmentalist.


Sofia Näström
Professor at the Department of Government of the Uppsala University. Author of a.o.:
.. ‘The An-archical State: Logics of Legitimacy in the Social Contract Tradition.’
.. ‘The legitimacy of the People’.
.. ‘Political Inequality in Transnational Democracy.’
.. The spirit of democracy: Sources of Corruption and Renewal.’ 

United Kingdom (Non-EU)


Colin Talbot
Emeritus Professor of Government at the University of Manchester and Senior Research Fellow with the Federal Trust. He has been advisor to both the Treasury and Public Administration Select Committees. He is still advisor on public sector performance, public spending systems and civil service reform. Author of a.o.:
.. 'Democratic Federalism: are we there yet?'

USA (Non-EU)


Glen Martin
Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the Radford University in Virginia. He is founder and Chair Emeritus of the Program in Peace Studies. Executive Director of the Earth Constitution Institute (ECI) and President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) and spokesperson for the Earth Constitution. Author of a.o.:
.. ‘Legitimate Political Authority and our Global Social Contract.’
.. ‘World Federalism.’
.. ‘The concept of democracy and our global contract.’
.. ‘The Utopian Horizon of Objective Human Values’. 
