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Reageer op: Referencias eleccion de Presidente en la Federacion Helvetica

Door Manuel Galinanes

Home ' Forums ' 06. Artikel IV - Organisatie van de uitvoerende macht ' Referencias eleccion de Presidente en la Federacion Helvetica ' Reageer op: Referencias eleccion de Presidente en la Federacion Helvetica

AvatarManuel Galinanes

The proposed presidential system is a copy of the American one. It is clear that this system does not work properly as much of the power falls on the President. Neither is necessary for the European Federal Union to copy the American model. I think that a system in which the Presidency is made up of three ministers from each of the first three parties with the most votes in the elections, can be a more effective model as decisions are made by consensus and responsibility will be shared. I would suggest the following changes:

“The presidency of the Federal Government will be constituted by 3 ministers (“Presidential Ministers”), each from the 3 most voted parties in the elections to the House of Citizens. The spokesperson for the presidency during the 4 years of legislation will be carried out on a rotating basis among the 3 Presidential Ministers as follows: (i) 24 months the minister from the most voted party; (ii) 16 months the minister of the party in the second position, and (iii) 8 months the minister of the party in the third position.

The Federal Government will execute policies for the benefit of the Federation as a whole and will avoid extreme political deviations and the influence of unelected power groups and lobbies.

The decisions of the Federal Government will be taken collectively by consensus. If after deliberation consensus cannot be reached, the Government should be looking for a compromise. If despite the deliberations, an agreement cannot be reached within the Government, it will be necessary for the ministers to vote the decisions that will be approved by a simple majority. In the event of a tie in the voting, the vote of the Presidential Minister who maintains the spokesperson at the time of the vote will have the decisive vote.”

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