The Ombudsman

By Manuel Galinanes

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    AvatarManuel Galinanes

    It is not indicated who and how the ombudsman will be chosen.

    I suggest to set up an Ombudsman Office rather than to have a single person (the Ombudsman), since the European Federal Union will have a huge population and deal with a great diversity of issues representing a huge work load. I also suggest that the Ombudsman Office is composed with people elected by the political parties and from the group of independent representatives in the House of Citizens; one person per group. Thus, each political party and independent group will elect a candidate of their choice based on his/her professional achievements and personal qualities. This arrangement will allow that each topic can be assigned and managed by the person with the greatest knowledge on the subject. The selected persons could come from the civil society without being necessary to belong to any political party. The length of service in the Ombudsman’s Office for the elected persons shall be that of the legislative term.

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