listopad 8


Citizens’ Convention Progress Report 4

By Leo Klinkers

listopad 8, 2021

Dear Participants (Group of 55+) of FAEF Citizens’ Convention,
Dear Followers of the Citizens’ Convention (for your information),

After the opening of the Citizens’ Convention on October 2nd, the first amendments and comments were submitted to the email box and discussion has started on the online Forum on FAEF website. 

We thank all the participants who animated the first phases of the discussion, and we hope many other will join in the next days. 

On 17 October, the Board places the consolidated amendment of the Preamble on the website in the page ‘Process of Improving the Constitution. Go to Part 1. If at least three members of the 55+ group communicate via before 20 October the need for a discussion on that consolidated amendment, the Board organises a videocall meeting on 23 October at 20.00 PM (CET), followed by a decisive vote.

Starting from the current month we are going to disseminate the Citizens’ Convention initiative through FAEF website, social media, and other means. Our intention is to get European citizens involved as much as possible and grant them fresh information about the progress of the Convention. This will include regular reports sent to members of the European Parliament and other institutions.

At the end of October subscriptions to the 55+ group of official participants will be closed. From that moment on European citizens who want to have a say over the works of the Citizens’ Convention may address directly a member of the 55+ group in order to share their proposals and have their voice heard. 

If this initiative pleases you, we ask you to send to , by October 25th:
– a short biography of no more than 250 words in English + your mother language (if different*)
– a photo of yourself 
– and a reference email box 

We will publish this information for European citizens who want to get in touch with an official participant of the 55+ group on our website. 

* Some citizens who are interested in the initiative may have been discouraged from contacting us directly due to language problems. Having a contact person who speaks their own language could allow them to participate and help spreading the initiative in their countries.

We would like to point out that this initiative is not mandatory and each of you can freely decide whether to share their contact information or keep a more confidential profile regarding his or her participation to the Citizens’ Convention. 

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