heinäkuu 26


Liittovaltion kansalaisten hälytys

By Leo Klinkers

heinäkuu 26, 2020

The Hague, 25 July 2020

The 4-day EU summit in July 2020, despite the undeniable positive result achieved, once again exposed how vulnerable the EU is in times of crisis: each country fights for its own interests and not for the common and shared European ones. This type of decision-making provides a momentary and fleeting calm until the next crisis aggravates conflicts within the EU, reinforcing exit motives.

This would not happen in a federal Europe. The essence of a federal Union is that the member states remain sovereign but entrust the care of a limited set of common interests, enshrined in a Constitution, to a federal body. In this way, a fiscal union can be established whose income could be used to effectively solve serious financial problems, to deal with pandemics, climate changes, migrants’ crisis, common foreign policy / defense system, the common currency. All problems that cannot be solved by single national states.

If the EU disintegrates, we’d be back in nation-state anarchy, the source of many centuries of conflicts and wars on the European continent. This can only be prevented by establishing the federal United States of Europe. This enterprise has been tried many times since 1800. But always failed.

Citizens who want a real united Europe must take responsibility. How? By becoming a member of a federal movement and, within that movement, influencing the Board / General Assembly to register its movement as a member of the Federal Alliance of European Federalists. This federation creates strength and authority for a process of change: exchanging the dissolving intergovernmental Lisbon Treaty for a uniting Federal Constitution, through a real bottom-up operating Citizens’ Convention.

Join one of the federal movements and pave the way to registering your movement within FAEF because only by “federating the federalists” we can reach this historical objective.

Sincerely yours,

The Board of the Federal Alliance of European Federalists (www.faef.eu)

Leo Klinkers (Netherlands), President
Mauro Casarotto (Italy), Secretary
Peter Hovens (Netherlands), Treasurer
Lorenzo Sparviero (Italy)
Martina Scaccabarozzi (Italy)
Javier Giner (Spain)

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