A Comprehensive

Federal Constitution for Europe

By the

Federal Alliance of European Federalists

FAEF © 2022


The Federal Alliance of European Federalists (FAEF) is pleased to present its democratic federal Constitution for the Citizens of Europe. It is meant to replace the treaty-based system of the European Union. In the evolution of European state systems since 1500, the stage of a federal Europe is now beginning.

For six months - from October 2021 to the end of March 2022 - FAEF's Citizens' Convention improved a ten-article draft of this Constitution. The result of this peer review is a comprehensive structure of the constitutive and institutional elements of a centripetal federation, based on a federal Constitution and led by applied sciences. A federation, built from the bottom up, for the Citizens of sovereign European states, that want to create a centre that looks after their common European interests, while preserving each country’s sovereignty, culture and traditions.

The members of our Convention who did this remarkable work are here  listed.

The Board shall present the Constitution to the Citizens of Europe, inform them of its significance and organize the process of its ratification by the Citizens.

Board of the Federalist Alliance of European Federalists (FAEF),
Leo Klinkers, President
Mauro Casarotto, Secretary General
Peter Hovens, Treasurer
Martina Scaccabarozzi, Executive Member Communications
Javier Giner, Executive Member Politics 

The Hague, April 2022

We, the Citizens of Europe, moved by the need and the will to form a more perfect and durable union, with the objective and duty of taking care of the common European good, protect and ensure the greatest degree of liberty and well-being for its peoples, establish the Federated States of Europe - hereafter the Federation - by ratifying this Constitution,

I. Laying down the principle that it should support our quest for happiness, based
(a) on working relentlessly to preserve the diversity of all life forms on Earth and to protect and care for the natural environment for next generations,
(b) on securing freedom to live one’s life without impeding the freedom of others,
(c) on elimination of all forms of discrimination on the basis of respect for the diversity of cultures, languages, ethnicities, beliefs, and sciences of the Citizens within the Federation, as well as on the protection of their fundamental rights and freedoms,
(d) on encouraging trust and solidarity among all countries and regions, in Europe as well outside Europe,
(e) on human compassion, respect and support to achieve happiness for Citizens from outside the Federation who want to live within the Federation in accordance with its laws and the articles of this Constitution,
(f) on expecting that in carrying it out, it should bear witness to wisdom and knowledge, human dignity and justice, and integrity, in the full awareness that it derives its powers from the people, that all people on Earth are born equal with regard to dignity and rights, and that no one is above the law. 

II. Considering further:
(a) that the Federation is an integral part of a highly interdependent natural and social system. The ability to realize, preserve and promote its values depends on the global condition of international relationships among countries and on the health of the natural environment;
(b) that the Federation repudiates war and violence as an instrument of offence to the liberty of other peoples and as means of settling international conflicts; the Federation favours transnational cooperation and federal structures to ensure peace, justice and prosperity among nations;
(c) that this federal Constitution is based on the cultural, religious, and humanist inheritance of Europe, including the considerations and desires of European philosophers to unite Europe in a federation after centuries of conflicts and wars;
(d) that the federal system is based on a vertical separation of powers between the Member States and the Federal Entity through which they share sovereignty;
(e) that the horizontal separation of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches both at the level of the Federal Entity and at that of the Member States is guaranteed by a solid system of checks and balances.

III. Whereas, all Citizens shall have the right to resist any person, organization, institute or authority seeking to abolish this Constitutional order if no other remedy is available,

IV. Adopt the following ten articles as the Constitution of the Federation, 

  1. The Federation is a democratic State, founded on the Rule of Law. It consists of sovereign Citizens, democratic constitutional Member States, and a Federal Authority
  2. The Federation shall respect the equality of Citizens and Member States before the Constitution as well as their identities, inherent in their fundamental constitutional and political structures, inclusive of regional and local self-government.
  3. The powers not entrusted to the Federation by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States by this Constitution, are recognised powers of the Citizens and entrusted powers of the Member States, in order to protect the autonomous initiatives of Citizens and Member States, relating to activities of personal or general interest.
  4. The Federation sees in the natural needs of every living human being an important source from which agreed rights can be derived. These rights are those as formulated in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Federation, whose rights shall have the same legal value as the Constitution.
  5. Every Citizen has a right of access to information and documents of the Federation, States, and local Governments and the right to follow the proceedings of the courts and democratically elected bodies. Limitations to this right may be prescribed by law to protect the privacy of any Citizen, or else only for extraordinary reasons.
  6. Membership of the Federation after the Federation has entered into force requires ratification of this Federal Constitution by the respective national parliament of the State applying for membership.
  7. The Federation will promote a higher degree of World transnational cooperation and may, on conditions of equality with other countries and regions and on the basis of the values expressed in the Preamble to this Constitution, accede and adhere to a World Federation, based on a democratic Earth Constitution. 

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