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Der Name der Föderation

Unter Jakub Jermar

Startseite ' Foren ' 02. Präambel ' Der Name der Föderation


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  • #2099
    Jakub Jermar

    I think the use of the name “the United States of Europe” is problematic. Not because there is a connection to the constitution of the United States of America, which is IMO desirable and proper, but simply because the abbreviated form is already taken and people will not know which United States is being referred to when one says e.g. “the government of the United States”.

    Herbert Tombeur

    I do agree, I do!

    Herbert Tombeur

    I propose to write and talk about the “European Federation”. Why not?

    Adam Nettles

    Hallo zusammen, entschuldigt, dass ich ein bisschen zu spät bin. In der Website-Version sehe ich an dieser Stelle "Federation Europe". Ist das ein Übersetzungsproblem? Ich würde denken, dass der Name Europäische Föderation lauten sollte.

    Adam Nettles


    • Diese Antwort wurde vor 3 Jahren, 4 Monaten von Adam Nettles geändert.
    Adam Nettles

    Just saw the actual document with the explanatory note. I’d propose “The European Federation” or “The Federation of European States” (if we want to emphasize state sovereignty a bit more.

    Giuseppe Martinico

    I agree with Adam. Another round of proofreading would be very helpful

    Mauro CasarottoMauro Casarotto

    Dear friends, let’s keep in mind that it would help to have a name that can be contracted into an acronym that is easy to remember and pronounce, considering how acronyms are in common use.

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