Federal Alliance of European Federalists

Sovereignty, Security and Solidarity
When People Have a Say
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I consider Leo Klinkers' Verbondenheid, Veiligheid en Voorspoed (Sovereignty, Security and Solidarity) to be one of the very best I have read about Europe. It is a beautiful analysis, razor-sharp and erudite at every level: powerful, convincing, crystal clear, based on unsurpassed knowledge and with a message that deserves the attention of every European who cares about the future of our continent. This book is undoubtedly a very important one. I hope it will be read by many.
Frank Ankersmit - Emeritus professor of intellectual and theoretical history of political philosophy at the University of Groningen

This book, of which an English version has also been published (Sovereignty, Security and Solidarity) is part of a new, Europe-wide campaign for a federalization of the European project, for which the author, as an administrative expert, has already committed himself with his publication of the European Federalist Papers (2013). This received incomprehensibly little attention at the time, but in Civis Mundi we already paid the necessary attention to it. Civis Mundi has long been a convinced advocate of a federal Europe, which in most media is usually encountered with skepticism or criticism as a reprehensible superstate structure, which it is not. It was a sad sign of the lack of constitutional knowledge about state formation processes.
Wim Couwenberg- Emeritus professor constitutional law, editor of Civis Mundi, Magazine for Political Philosophy and Culture

I'd like to compliment you on three things I found very striking:
1) The name Verbondenheid, Veiligheid en Voorspoed (Sovereignty, Security and Solidarity): you could not have come up with a better one.
2) The structure with an analytically pure chapter structure.
3) The language and examples. Not a high-flown scientific language, but almost simple spoken language, very clever, a child of 12 can understand it. And examples that appeal directly to every normal person, such as those from sport.
Hans van der Vlugt - Former editor Utrechts Nieuwsblad

Congratulations on your book on the importance of founding a Federal Europe, which I have read with interest. I see this book as the crowning glory of the considerable amount of work that you have done over many years to trace, analyze, publicize, and raise real sympathy for the philosophy that underlies a federation.
Anthony Caram- Professor of Monetary Economics at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname

This volume which represents a strong case for a politically and legally integrated Europe, as the only alternative to the dissolution of the European project, places itself on the same line of succession of the classics of federalist thought.