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Odpověď na: Example: Norway’s way of solving this issue

Podle Christer Lundquist

Home Fóra 03. Article I – The Federation and the Bill of Rights Example: Norway’s way of solving this issue Odpověď na: Example: Norway’s way of solving this issue

AvatarChrister Lundquist

Ramon; why do you find the provision for no discrimination based on language a curiousity? Is unusual elsewhere in Europe?
I suppose you are referring to the first Artcle of Section 2 in the last law I linked to:

« Chapter 2. Prohibition against discrimination
Section 6.Prohibition against discrimination

Discrimination on the basis of gender, pregnancy, leave in connection with childbirth or adoption, care responsibilities, ethnicity, religion, belief, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age or combinations of these factors is prohibited. «Ethnicity» includes national origin, descent, skin colour and language.»

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